Visit in Providence with Dan and Leo

The Barbarian forces stand ready. Does anybody else find it odd that the guys in the Barbarian castle are the ones with horns on the helmets?

Castle Aram
The vikings stand ready to attack. A battle as epic as Helm's Deep is clearly in the making. The brave soldier on the catapult will soon go to meet his destiny.

Return volley
After sustaining some small damage, the mighty Barbarian forces prepare to return a volley of shock and awe.

The Viking fortress begins to take damage. The defenders have suffered heavy casualties.

The Vikings inflict heavy damage upon the the Barbarian fortress. The treasure is revealed!

The Barbarians retaliate with a blow that destroys the Vikings' wall.

Continued Assault
Aram continues his assault on the Barbarians.

Almost there!
The mightly Viking crossbow has almost cleared the Barbarian treasure!

Toppled Tower
But the Barbarians strike back with a blow that knocks down the Viking tower!

Exchange of hostages
After a fierce round of battle, hostages are exchanged.

With one final assault, the Vikings break through and win the Barbarian treasure!

Aram waives the Viking flag of victory.

The leader of the Vikings puts the Barbarians in their place.

Leo tries his best to look saddened by his loss.