The Barbarian forces stand ready. Does anybody else
find it odd that the guys in the Barbarian castle are the ones with
horns on the helmets? |
Castle Aram
The vikings stand ready to attack. A battle as epic as
Helm's Deep is clearly in the making. The brave soldier on the
catapult will soon go to meet his destiny. |
Return volley
After sustaining some small damage, the mighty
Barbarian forces prepare to return a volley of shock and awe. |
The Viking fortress begins to take damage. The
defenders have suffered heavy casualties. |
The Vikings inflict heavy damage upon the the Barbarian
fortress. The treasure is revealed! |
The Barbarians retaliate with a blow that destroys the
Vikings' wall. |
Continued Assault
Aram continues his assault on the Barbarians. |
Almost there!
The mightly Viking crossbow has almost cleared the
Barbarian treasure! |
Toppled Tower
But the Barbarians strike back with a blow that knocks
down the Viking tower! |
Exchange of hostages
After a fierce round of battle, hostages are exchanged. |
With one final assault, the Vikings break through and
win the Barbarian treasure! |
Aram waives the Viking flag of victory. |
The leader of the Vikings puts the Barbarians in their
place. |
Leo tries his best to look saddened by his loss. |